Saturday, 21 January 2012

Upcoming Courses

2012 - We are now working on publishing our public course dates for 2012. Dates and venues will start to appear between now and the end of January...  So if you have a member of staff who has slipped under the net, or who needs a First Aid qualification, then why not send them on one of our courses.

QOF's coming up?  We have two 'mop up' BLS + Defib sessions planned for March 2012.  Click Here to book on-line, or drop us an email and we will book this for you.

  • Basic Life Support + Defib - Taunton Road Medical Centre, Somerset - 19/03/2012
  • Basic Life Support + Defib - Gloucester Road Medical Centre, Bristol - 22/03/2012

And lastly... Calling all GP/Dental Practice Managers!
Are your staff due their resuscitation training between February & June 2012?  If so then its time to give us a call! - Yes honestly, we are really getting booked up fast! 

1 comment:

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